
Aug 27, 2016

Heed a Song Sung for the Spirit

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, 
and watching for this purpose with all perseverance 
and supplication for all saints…” 
Ephesians 6:18 WBT

A songbird trills its melody just outside the kitchen window, 
a back drop to the rote routines of morning; 
brewing tea, let the dog out, light a candle, empty the dish rack, pour milk over cereal. 

Refreshed from sleep, thoughts are quiet. 
Attention is allowed to settle effortlessly on patterned sequences of tasks and paths around the kitchen. Familiar movements follow: cupping the mug, spooning cereal, holding a match to the wick, opening shutters for the first glimpse at day. 

In the midst of rinsing the bowl, 
candle fragrance rising, 
and still sipping tea, 
the bird’s song register’s again. 
Still singing. 

The mind’s attention sharpens. 
Movements cease. 
Silently I hear You’re missing this.

Return to the table. Search the foliage rich view beyond the window for the feathered resident. 
Sit with the song. 

Hear deep in your marrow a song sung for the Spirit within, by the same Spirit that permeates all. Awaken to the soul’s response as whispers begin my own morning’s praises and prayers, joining the song bird’s melody.

Though the songbird has ceased, 
candle fragrance fills the room 
and prayer continues in gratitude for heeding the Holy Spirit’s invitation.  

“Devote yourselves to prayer, 
being watchful and thankful.” 
Colossians 4:2 NIV


  1. ohhhh, how utterly beautiful.
    yes, i listen in again, sweet Spirit.
    Thank you Lisa. Deep breath of yes.

  2. Beautiful. I love to hear the birds singing in the morning. I love to find prayer in the ordinary.
